Our People

Muloobinba is made up of a team of dedicated staff with a range of skills, qualifications and backgrounds


    Donna Munn

    Dennis Griffen

    Donna Burns

    Elsie Randall


    Petrice Manton, Chief Executive Officer/ Principal Officer/Head of Agency


    Ashlea Matthews, Manager Administration

    Donna Croese, Administration Officer

    Desiree Collins, External Accountant

    Abbie Carragher, Communications Officer

    Tayla Gresham, Administration Support

    Taylah Lethbridge, Administration Officer

  • Damian Kinchela, Team Leader - Culture, Youth and Family

    Zach Pegler, Team Leader - Culture, Youth and Family

    Kalina Kelly, Cultural Caseworker, Culture, Youth and Family

    Dayna Reynolds, Youth Worker

    Jyall Widders, Youth Worker

    Karlinda Potts, Youth Worker

    Jaycoda Simon, Mentor

    Ngangarra Barker, Mentor

    Sonnie Ridgeway, Community Engagement

  • Morgen Trisley, Family Services Manager

    Bonnie Simon, Family Support Worker

    Sarah Smith, Aboriginal Family Worker

    Tleiha Whitten, Caseworker - Family Preservation

    Renee Lydiard, Caseworker - Family Preservation

  • Davin Ah Wong, Manager- Family Preservation

    Linda Marko, Caseworker - Family Preservation

    Chris Fletcher, Caseworker - Aboriginal Family Preservation

    Keedon Peachey, Casework Support - Family Preservation

    Taylah Lethbridge, Administration Officer


    Emma Beckett, Centre Manager


    Ebony Rockley, Administration Officer

    Tobi Andrews, Nominated Supervisor

    Kiahra Bartlett, Educator- Certificate III

    Allicson Douglas, Educator- Certificate III

    Hayden Edwards, Educator- Certificate III

    Lillie Faint, Educator- Certificate III

    Renee Gillon, Cook

    Madeleine Hayes, Early Childhood Teacher

    Chelsea Ireland, Educator - Diploma

    Jami-Lee Fletcher, Educator - Diploma

    Tiarna Pace, Educator - Certificate |||

    Caitlin Longbottom, Educator - Certificate III

    Leanne Palmer, Early Childhood Teacher

    Jennifer Quinlan-Whyman, Educator, Certificate III

    Joseph Richards, Educator - Certificate III

    Chloe Whitson, Educator - Certificate III

    Sasha Randle, Educator - Certificate III

    Douglas Beale - CareTaker

  • Guy Aylward, Casework Manager- Carer Recruitment/Support

    Sarah Harwood, Casework Manager

    Jesse Parker-Simon, Casework Manager

    Chris Russell, Casework Manager

    Louise Manton, Caseworker

    Chloe Roberts, Caseworker

    Daniel Hicks, Caseworker

    Jermaine Tuaa, Caseworker

    Amanda Williams, Caseworker

    Allan Simpson, Caseworker

    Leilani Mitchell, Caseworker

    Jodie Barsby, Casework Support

    Jonni Letson, Caseworker- Carer Support

    Chloe Hipwell, Caseworker- Carer Support

    Ella Olsson, Casework Support - Carer Support

    Randall Briggs - Carer Recruitment

  • Cody Faulker, Casework Manager

    Tyson Hodge, Caseworker